X7 Real Estate is a division of X7 Partners that applies data & emerging technologies along with conventional expertise to help property funds, investors & HNWI source & manage investments as well as solve real estate problems
X7 Contractors can provide talent to solve human resource needs. Talent can work either individually or teams and can work flexibly (in-person, virtually, hybrid or in dedicated hubs)
Our financial analysis team can provide insightful analysis of companies & investments. We can supply in-depth reports, data visualisations, financial analysis or economic insights.
Sourcing talent without borders or constraints allows for more than simply cost-efficiencies. Usually, our approach can combine the strengths and weaknesses of individuals or jurisdiction to generate synergies and high=performing teams.
X7 Partners is a ‘knowledge economy’ business data analytics, marketing analytics, financial analysis & BPO consulting firm active internationally. We benefit our clients through helping them lower costs, identifying and securing opportunities for them, acquiring and deploying talent for them and improving their bottom line.
Kemp House, 152-160 City Road London EC1V 2NX
[By Appointment Only]